Let’s take a walk down the Shoreline with Kingsland Road’s Connor – Part Two

Last week saw Part One of our Interview with Connor from Kingsland Road! (If you haven’t read it check it out >>> here)

Part Two has even more laughs, what the boys would be doing if they weren’t in a band, Cats and the best of YOUR fan questions.

Kingsland Road AlbumOnce again, check it out and let us know what you think.

 – Brumotions: You will soon be heading on a US Tour what are you most looking forward to out there?

Connor: Just going to America, I’m excited to get on a plane, leave and get to the US. Like there’s big burgers there which is cool, going to a couple of theme parks which is going to be awesome oh and I’m hoping I’ll get to go and watch an American football match… but I doubt I will.

 – Brumotions: We will be really jealous if you do.

Connor: I know I want to go and watch, but I highly doubt that will happen. We are just really excited to get to a different country. We’ve done gigs in different countries before but not in America, we’ve had some American fans from right at the start so they have been waiting for a couple of years for us to go out there, so it will be really nice for us to see them and see how they feel about our music and see if we can gain some new fans whilst we are out there.

 – Brumotions: Have you ever had any interesting fan experiences?

Connor: Uhm yes, let me try and think… we’ve had bra’s and different things thrown on stage, things I can’t say. We get given some decent presents too and some funny ones, someone got me a mirror with Leonardo DiCaprio’s face on it and someone got Josh a ken doll but with his face on it and people have waited in our flat to give us pictures and stuff, yeah they have managed to get their way into our flat and things like that.

 – Brumotions: We aren’t quite sure if that’s cute or a little scary.

Connor: It was a little scary actually. It’s really hard to remember things that have happened, funny things always happen to us but we forget when we need to tell them.

 – Brumotions: If you weren’t in Kingsland Road what would you be doing?

Connor: I always wanted to be in the Marines when I was a kid, so that’s probably what I’d be doing right now, I think Matt…Well Matt was a builder so he’d probably still be laying bricks and stuff. Josh, this is actually what josh would want to be doing, he’d probably be like, I dunno, a lifeguard, let’s just say a lifeguard and Thompson would work in a kennels…cause he likes dogs.

 – Brumotions: Is that just a guess or have they actually told you this?

Connor: Nahhh that’s what they’ve told me.

 – Brumotions: Alright then, we believe you.

Connor: Yeah you’ve got to believe me.

 – Brumotions: Are there any advice or motto’s that you live by?

Connor: I’ve got cool sayings which I’ve heard people say that I like, but nothing that I kind of live by there’s things that as a band we tell people if they ask us – just not to give up and things like that and if someone tells you that you can’t do it, prove them wrong kind of thing, that’s probably the nicest thing being told you can’t do something and proving them wrong and being successful kind of knowing yourself and having the faith in yourself to do it and you do and that’s really nice a good feeling… Josh is the man for this, josh has like this app on his phone and everyday he reads us out like this little quote, it’s like quote of the day, he’s very sad like that and likes that kind of thing. It’s like horoscopes but it’s like a saying from like a president in the 60’s or something.

Fan Questions:

 – Brumotions: So we have a couple of questions from your Klanders.

Connor: Go on then, hit me.

 – Brumotions: @Elliee_Rixton wants to know who you would love to do a collaboration with?

Connor: I’m really obsessed with a couple of bands at the minute, Royal Blood and Catfish and the Bottlemen they would be sick to collaborate with, Adam Levine would be quite cool… Thompson would say Bruno Mars cause he’s obsessed with him …I think collaborating with Eminem would be cool as well, like a rapper or Tinie Tempah that would be cool.

 – Brumotions: @MollieFinch1234 wants to know if you could date any one of the lads in Kingsland, who would it be and why … you can pick yourself we won’t judge.

Connor: Uhmmmm me, I dunno yeah, probably me, that’s a bit biased though isn’t it.

 – Brumotions: Why would you date yourself?

Connor: The other lads annoy me sometimes and I don’t annoy myself, so I feel like that’s my best bet really, I’d never argue with myself, but I would argue with the other boys. So I’m going to say I’d date myself.

 – Brumotions: Would you not find it boring being exactly the same?

Connor: But I suppose that’s what’s good, you have to be similar to be compatible with someone, we’d be the perfect couple we’d get married.

 – Brumotions: @JoshZareIsMyMan asked if you could be any other celebrity for the day who would you be and why?

Connor: Someone interesting who’d have a really interesting day, I’d want to be somebody like Cristiano Ronaldo because that would be cool to see how good he is at football, like actually how good he is.

 – Brumotions: We wonder whether that would change his talent if it was you that was playing football.

Connor: Nah I’d be better … no I wouldn’t really, that’s why I’d want to be him to see how amazing he actually is … and he’s very very very rich so that would be cool to see his house and stuff.

 – Brumotions: @BethRitchiexxx wants to know what are you looking forward to most on tour.

Connor: Singing our new songs that’s going to be amazing and our London tour date for reasons I can’t say that will be really cool and to see all of our fans.

 – Brumotions: @mattcahilltho_ wants to know if you were a superhero, what power would you have and what would your name be?

Connor: I’d be amazing at cleaning up and I’d be called Consuela, which is a little family guy joke if you get it… I’d usually say something like healing the wounded but then the lads would laugh at me for being really cringy so I’ve had to change my answer recently.

 – Brumotions: And the last question from the Brumoters is, if you could be any animal what would you be and why.

Connor: Uhm a penguin cause they are really cool and they can swim in the ice water without getting cold and they are really cute as well, either that or a dog, I wouldn’t want to be a cat cause they are mean, I don’t like cats.

 – Brumotions: But you could just change the way of cats… you could be a nice cat.

Connor: I don’t think they exist.

 – Brumotions: You could be the first one…

Connor: I could be… no, cats are different you can’t breed like a nice cat, i’d have to breed with another nice cat and me being the only nice cat wouldn’t create a nice cat if you know what I mean.

 – Brumotions: It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into that actually.

Connor: I have, its true though isn’t it, if I was the first nice cat, I couldn’t then breed with a horrible cat because it would be like, it wouldn’t be horrible or it wouldn’t be nice, it would be an average.

 – Brumotions: Yeah make an average cat.

Connor: Yeah an average cat, who’d want an average cat that would be boring.

 – Brumotions: Before we finish, if you have any last words for the fans that would be awesome.

Connor: Come and watch our tour, buy our album, let’s get in the charts cause I said that if we do I’ll run down my street naked… there we go last words.

So there you have it!

You guys heard Connor – If ‘We Are The Young’ charts he’ll run down his street NAKED! (You can purchase the album from online retailers including: Google Play, ITunes and Amazon, as well as your local HMV store)

Let’s take a walk down the Shoreline with Kingsland Road’s Connor – Part One

… Or maybe not, a trip to the Gym will do!

 Earlier this month we got the chance to chat with the lovely Connor from Kingsland Road to get to know the band a little better and see what they have planned for the future.

Kingsland Road Album

This interview has plenty of laughs, Tour Gossip, The Queen and King Con… you heard us right! Check it out and let us know what you think.

 – Brumotions: Hello

Connor: I’m in the gym at the minute so I’m just going to go find somewhere quiet…two seconds… alright I’m somewhere, I’m cool.

 – Brumotions: So for those who don’t know you guys, what makes Kingsland Road, Kingsland Road?

Connor: I don’t think there’s anything that defines us. I don’t know how to answer that one… we’re always late, not for important things obviously, we are weirdo’s, which is one of the main ones and everybody has beards … apart for me…. I don’t think there are any other boybands with beards.

 – Brumotions: …Actually no they don’t do they.

Connor: I think they like having beards because it makes them feel like they’re in a man band rather than a boyband… I’m comfortable not having a beard.

– Brumotions: If you could describe your sound in three words what would they be?

Connor: Weird, Funky, Pop… I don’t know.

 – Brumotions: So your debut album is coming out March 15th, how does it feel?

Connor: It’s really weird, the official statement that I said myself was that if someone had said to us two years ago, when we were first starting that we would have an album we’d slap em in the face and laugh at them.

I don’t think that we ever realised that it would happen and now that it has and its full of our own songs that we have written ourselves and spent a lot of time on, it feels a lot better so it’s cool.

 – Brumotions: So at the moment is it still very surreal?

Connor: Yeah, still very, very surreal because obviously we started out just to gig and write music and we didn’t realise eventually we’d have all of the songs we’ve written on an album, on iTunes. Everything that’s happened in the past couple of years has been unbelievable really and we have kinda surpassed our own expectations and it keeps happening which is amazing, we couldn’t be happier at the minute.

 – Brumotions: What can we expect from the album and which track is your personal favourite?

Connor: We are proud of all of the tracks as we wrote them all which I think is quite rare nowadays that every album that is released is written purely yourself which is the case of ours, every song we wrote, drawing from different things and stuff that happened to us. All the lads would have a different favourite, mines probably ‘Freedom’, it’s one of the first songs we wrote when we came from The X Factor and I just like it, I feel a connection with it.

I think every track is different that’s the thing, we listened through the other day together  and every track is just really different, we didn’t plan just to go into the studio and write different sounding tracks, it kinda just happened and its really cool and organic, normally albums have 1 sound throughout and ours kind of has different sounds which is cool .

 – Brumotions: We are really looking forward to it.

Connor: I’m glad.

 – Brumotions: So you’ve also got a tour coming up soon can you give us any spoilers?

Connor: No spoilers, I know there’s one very exciting thing happening in London, which we are working on at the minute, I can’t give too much away but we’ve been practising and its awesome … it’s just going to be a really cool tour. It’s the tour before we head to America so we want to give the UK a massive musical hug and kiss before we head off out there for a bit and then obviously come back but it’s going to be amazing. We are very excited to tour and we love touring, that’s where we like being the most, on stage, so we are excited to see all of our fans from around the UK.

 – Brumotions: What are your favourite tracks to play live?

Connor: Some of them we haven’t played live yet off the album but my favourite to play live … I don’t know I just love performing live all the time. I know the rest of the lads love performing ‘Shoreline’, I know like Josh and Thomps they like ‘Shoreline’ live I like ‘Walk Away’ which is one of my favourites, I just love how rocky it is and ‘He’s Got It Coming’ which is on the album, which we performed on our last tour but we have revamped it a bit there’s a new tune to it and there might be a little rap to it … who knows… there’s a little exclusive for you guys don’t tell anybody.

 – Brumotions: Can you give us some gossip on what it’s like to tour with you guys are you all work and no party?

Connor: Its smelly… well not THAT smelly, its tiring and you know what, we are party animals sometimes but when they’re tired we do NOT party. I think the last tour we didn’t really go out, it was the same time as our EP and our single launch so we were shooting from Glasgow to London to do Lorraine and it was a bit mental so we didn’t actually have time to go out and party, we had a party on our last night, which was when we released our EP and we were in the club at like one o’clock at night and it went live and we were at number two in the charts on iTunes so we were buzzing and we got absolutely smashed, it was amazing. Yeah we do like to party but at the same time we are serious about music and performing so we don’t like to get so messed up that we can’t sing and perform as that’s the main thing we like doing.

 – Brumotions: So is partying crossed off your list for this tour too then?

Connor: Yeah, I think it is actually, especially in America as well, it is very cramped as well, the last tour we had we were in a car as our tour van broke down, so we were in a 5 seater car and we were so rammed, it was horrible.

 – Brumotions: Speaking of tour and live shows have you ever asked for anything ridiculous on a tour rider?

Connor: NO, aha we’re alright actually with our riders we only ask for like beer and sandwiches oh and towels and that’s it cause we get really sweaty. The other lads like to have a beer before they go on and I just get hungry so I like sandwiches before I go on that’s it, that’s all we ask for.

 – Brumotions: You should start asking for outrageous stuff.

Connor: We’ve been to gigs before where all the riders have been laid out on a table for the artists and we had the smallest by far, we’ve never got used to that so we’ve never took the mick out of it, it’s just the simple things that we need.

 – Brumotions: This is a question we ask everyone we interview, if you were to take the queen on a date where would you take her and why?

Connor: I reckon I’d take her to Buckingham Palace because I don’t think she’s ever been there; I don’t think she lives there does she?

 – Brumotions: I think she lives there sometimes…

Connor: It would be cool to take her somewhere like Buckingham palace where she SUPPOSEDLY lives but…. Surely she doesn’t live there, with everybody watching her all the time. I’d take her on a tour of London as I think she’d appreciate that, as I’m sure she never gets to see the proper dingy parts, I’d take her to Soho.

 – Brumotions: What about the London Eye?

Connor: Yeah exactly, and take her on the tube and stuff as I think she’s been deprived of that, then we’d go to McDonalds and have like a Big Mac as I bet she’s never had one.

 – Brumotions: Would you pay?

Connor: Yeah, I suppose, and then we’d head to the cinema or something, but we wouldn’t go in the deluxe seats, we’d go in the proper rubbish seats and give her the experience of living like us… she’d love that, it’s like a Romcom where a rich girl goes out with a poor kid and he romances her with all the poor things he could do, I think I’d win her over and I’d be the future king if that happened.

 – Brumotions: King Con, it’s got a bit of a ring to it hasn’t it.

 – Connor: Exactly, King Con.

#Klanders, keep your eyes open for PART TWO which will be posted later this week!

It has even more laughs , Josh as a lifeguard, Cats and YOUR fan questions!

Kingsland Road’s debut album ‘We Are The Young’ is out NOW and can be purchased online on ITunes OR at your local HMV.

The band are also currently on tour  – Tickets can be purchased at:  http://www.livenation.co.uk/artist/kingsland-road-tickets

12 days of Brumotions: One’s to watch in 2015

On the 8th day of Christmas, Brumotions gave to you…

One’s to watch in 2015

We Brumoters LOVE to predict the future for music hits and today we’ll be focusing on what’s going to be hot in 2015!

From solo acts to bands, below are some artists that we believe that might just be lucky next year.

Ollie Marland


For years Ollie Marland has been on the Unsigned Scene. However, in 2014 he signed with Crown Talent and Media Group with the likes of Ellie Goulding and Jessie J in their arsenal.

Ollie is set to break hundreds of girls’ hearts, but will 2015 be his year? We think so!

Nick Jonas

Nick Jonas

OMG we’re dating a Jonas Brother… It’s sooooo hot

We Wish!

Those days are over though for youngest brother Nick Jonas, who is pursuing a much more mature and modern style of music and let’s just say it’s something special.

We can’t wait for the release of his solo album and to see if he will be bringing his music live to the UK in 2015.

Please Nick!

Kingsland Road

Kingsland Road

We have covered Kingsland Road many times throughout 2014 and we feel that 2015 will be their year to finally shine to the masses.

They are now a four piece – Booo! – and are set to release their brand, spanking new debut album with a tour across the UK AND the US  – Yayyyy!

We are looking forward to what’s coming next for these guys.



We pride ourselves on always being on the lookout for top quality musicians and when we heard Lawson four years ago, we knew they were on to something good.

2015 is set to see Lawson release a brand new album, which if their last album Chapman Square is anything to go by, we can’t wait, and especially as in the land of Lawson this means a tour.

Fifth Harmony

Fifth Harmony

After taking the US by storm with their powerful, pro-female image and a strikingly amazing UK debut on this year’s X Factor, we wouldn’t be surprised if Fifth Harmony rocket up the UK charts in 2015, rivalling Little Mix for the top spot on the girl band front.

Hollywood Ending

Hollywood Ending

Hollywood Ending are those Punk A$$ Kids that our Mama’s warned us about, they are infections, fun and that little bit naughty… but we LOVE them.

We definitely think they are some of the brightest young talents and are worth checking out as we are predicting big things to come from this four piece.

Stereo Kicks

Stereo Kicks

After leaving this year’s X Factor, we feel that Stereo Kicks have great potential on the Boyband front, an 8 piece hasn’t been successfully formed before and we are intrigued as to what is next to come from their original music in 2015.

Will they stay together or will the lads go back to being solo?

James Bay

James Bay

James Bay is an up and coming talent with a great voice and obvious promise to make it in the big leagues of the music industry.

In 2015, Bay is embarking on a UK tour and we personally can’t wait to hear what’s coming next.

Nathan Sykes

Nathan Sykes

After the disbanding of one of our favourite Boybands- The Wanted, earlier this year, which brought many tears from fans and us Brumoters alike, Nathan Sykes is set to make a comeback.

In 2015, the baby faced crooner, is set to release his debut solo material and its safe to say if its anything like his collaboration with Pop princess Ariana Grande, we are excited! Sykes will definitely be one of the most wanted in 2015.

So there you have it!

Here at Brumotions we love to hear from you, let us know if you agree  or if there are any other artists you think we should be featuring.

Follow us on twitter @Brumotions


Like us on Facebook – Facebook.com/Brumotions

No images are our own!

12 Days of Brumotions: Union J – ‘You got it all’ Album Review

On the 1st day of Christmas, Brumotions gave to you….

A Union J Album Review!

Union J - You Got It All

               JJ, Jaymi, Josh and George are back with their second studio album, which we have already fallen in love with.

‘You got it all’, which shares it’s title with one of the tracks featured on the new album, was released on December 8th and we’ve had it on repeat ever since!

Check out our track by track review of Union J’s new release below!

Tonight (We Live Forever)

After catching the lads performing this energetic track at Fusion Festival earlier this year, this was definitely a great way for the lads to kick off their second studio album – It shows the Union J boys at their finest – Four young lads living their dream and having fun whilst doing so. We love it!

You Got It All

You Got It All is our favourite power ballad from the album! – Written by Canadian genius Nasri from Magic! (You know, the lads that wrote the UK chart topping track: Rude!) – although we weren’t sure how this track would fit on the album as the lads are more known for their energetic singles, we were definitely pleasantly surprise – especially after their stunning X Factor performance and undeniable vocal talent.

All about a Girl

Initially, this track reminds us of an old school 90s boyband track (our childhood right there!) with a Union J twist and we think it’s incredible… we also like to imagine it’s written about us, but that’s another story.

We currently have the incredibly catchy chorus stuck in our heads and have been walking around singing Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na for the past few hours, which makes us pretty excited to hear this track live.

One More Time

One More Time brings the party vibe that was missing in the first three songs, while also ensuring to display the amazing vocals that the lads have. It is slightly odd to be featured on this album though, as we’re nearing the end of the year, but this track speaks about the end of Summer, but it’s still a great song to celebrate the nearing of the New Year and will obviously make it on our end of year soundtrack! We would love to see this track released as the group’s next single.


It’s already an obvious crowd pleaser and we cannot WAIT to hear this track live. Together is a fun loving, edgier sounding track about having fun and living life to the fullest.

I Can’t Make You Love Me

Although About A Girl sounded like a 90s track, I Can’t Make You Love Me truly IS a 90s track. That’s right! Union J have recorded their own version of the 90s country pop single, originally released by Bonnie Raitt. But like all of the tracks on the new album, the lads have placed their own stamp on the song and it sounds incredible!

She’s in my Head

This track screams Union J; it’s energetic, hyper and features incredible vocals and harmonies! It’s definitely a lot more edgier than we were expecting from the lads, but it fits the rest of the album perfectly!

Midnight Train

Once again, we’re faced with another incredible track that we’d like to imagine the gorgeous lads from Union J had written about us. We can definitely see this song being amazing during a live performance as it sets a great atmosphere.

I Love to Watch You Sleep

Who doesn’t want to imagine sharing a bed with Union J? We volunteer!

In this track, we see the lads turn into our very own Prince Charming(s) in this ballad, which has us (and we would be guessing you too) swooning over the handsome lads. It reminds us of a lullaby with the soft, crooning vocals that are very easy on the ears.

Central Park

On the other side of the spectrum, we have Central Park which is a slower song about heartbreak.

Although the lyrics explain a sad story, we absolutely love this track as it shows the more emotional side of these lads.

Girl Like You

This track is a Brumotions favourite; it’s upbeat, fun and has a real feel good atmosphere. Girl Like You will be perfect to brighten up those dull winter mornings and a track you will find yourself playing on repeat and singing in the shower.



We’re glad that YOLO means ‘You Only Live Once’ because we wouldn’t be able to only listen to this song! It’s a great addictive and hyper track, however, we can’t help but feel that it would’ve been better to be released back when YOLO was still a thing.

Get It Right

This song gets a little lost within the powerful pop tracks on the album; however, we were excited to hear JJ’s vocals on the track, which we feel should feature more throughout the album. We weren’t overly impressed with this song, though we do want to ask “can we please have more singing parts from JJ?!”

Song for You and I

This track is a nice end for the album as its cheesy pop at it’s finest! Josh really jumps and succeeds at the opportunity to show off his smooth vocals and the entire song makes us smile and sing along. However, we believe that one of the previous tracks would have been the much better choice to finish the album.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

This one was released at the perfect time! And it’s great to hear Union J’s take on this centuries old classic! It’s a great festive track, which we will definitely have on repeat up until the New Year… at least until next Christmas.

Overall, the album is pure and powerful pop at its best and we’re absolutely in love with it! The whole album is inoffensive, features incredible lyrics and vocals and is great to dance around to. However, we can’t help but think a few of the tracks are lost among the other incredible ones.

Let us know what you think!

BREAKING NEWS: JB joins Rewind?

JB joins Rewind? YES but not THE JB *crys*


The Scottish Heartthrobs: Kieran, Jack, Lewis and James otherwise known as Rewind are back with a new addition to their line-up – JB after Ryan left the band to pursue a Finance career in Dubai.


The news was confirmed by Ryan himself on twitter where he stated ‘I’ve had to make a very very difficult decision to leave Rewind… I really can’t thank all of you enough for making my last few years one of the best experiences of my life”

Ryan will be sadly missed by both their dedicated fanbase AND us Brumoters however we are looking forward to seeing JB in the new Rewind line-up and we are more than certain he will not disappoint.


You can follow JB on twitter  – @JB_Rewind 

All Images were taken from Rewind’s official Facebook page.

Follow @Brumotions for more news or ‘Like’ us on Facebook at Facebook.com/Brumotions

Kingsland Road are Dirty Dancing into our hearts!

Kingsland Road impressed their dedicated fans at their SOLD OUT show at the O2 Academy in Birmingham last night with a jam packed, energetic performance!

The East London formed group came to Birmingham as part of their debut tour across the UK.

KingslandRoadBirmingham.jpgThe group consisting of Matt, Connor, Josh, Jay and Thompson entertained both the old and new K-Landers with a range of songs, including the one’s that are set to feature on their EP, which will be released August 10th!

Four support acts were included during the gig, acoustic performers Jess Havens and Ellie Rose’s vocals wowed the sold out crowd during their own twenty minute sets!

Then Canary Swing took to the stage, bringing an incredible amount of energy and talent with them that left the crowd wanting more, before rapper Jessica Alice took to the stage with an equal and amazing amount of stage presence to those before her.


Then came the moment everyone had been waiting for, Kingsland Road ran onto the stage and performed ‘Walk Away’, a track set to appear on their EP, which their highly dedicated fans had already learnt the lyrics to and proceeded to shout them back to the ecstatic lads.

The boys incredible set featured tracks for both the old and new fans, including a small, hilarious performance of ‘My Dog’ for the older fans and a cover of Ellie Goulding’s ‘Burn’, which was posted to their YouTube channel in February.


The group, more popularly known for appearing on the tenth series of The X Factor, had the packed venue singing and dancing along throughout their entire performance, ensuring that everyone was thoroughly entertained!

Kingsland Road rounded off their incredible performance with their debut single ‘Dirty Dancer’, which is another track to feature on the groups debut EP!

We definitely recommend going to see Kingsland Road live as they have the talent (both singing and dancing) and an impressive setlist, which is without a doubt, going to take them far. We have no doubts, that – like they did last night – the group will keep you thoroughly entertained and leave you wanting more!

Brumotions gives their performance 5/5 Microphones!

5 mics

You can pre-order their brand new, self-titled EP, which will be available from August 10th on iTunes!

Why not watch the video of their performance of ‘Treasure’ from the gig yesterday and let us know what you think!

Rixton – ‘Me and My Broken Heart’

Everyone LOVES a good boyband right?

Here at Brumotions, we have been trawling the internet to find some of the best new offerings in the boyband stakes and we rediscovered a band who have been on our radar for a few years – Rixton.


The band made up of Jake Roche – Singer and Rhythm Guitarist, Danny Wilkin – Bass/Keys & Backing Vocals, Charley Bagnall – Lead Guitarist & Backing Vocals and Lewi Morgan – Drums, burst onto the music scene with catchy pop song ‘Make Out’ last year and are back with their debut single said to make a splash both in the UK and The States ‘Me And My Broken Heart’ released July 13th.

The band have gained a large online following through covers of pop songs such as Taylor Swift’s – ‘Trouble’ and Chris Brown’s – ‘Don’t Wake Me Up’ which helped them get noticed and signed by Scooter Braun who has worked with the likes of Justin Bieber, Cody Simpson and one of our favourite boybands, The Wanted.

Me and My Broken Heart is a great, easy listening, pop tune which leaves you singing along for hours to come and it’s refreshing to hear that Rixton play their own instruments, meaning they are definitely ones to watch out for with more than just vocal talent.
The video is a good addition to the song telling the story of the bands plight to win the girl, but the boys are quickly caught up in a con, alongside a number of clips from an energetic, live performance.

However, after leaving the UK and focusing their musical efforts in the USA, we Brumoters can’t help but think ‘who are Rixton’ and what makes them different… we would like to see them live and maybe find out more!

Check out the track below and let us know what you think!

(No pictures or video is our own)

Follow us – @Brumotions

‘Like’ us on Facebook  – Facebook.com/Brumotions

It’s Never Too Late to love Kingsland Road

On June 1st, many teens flocked to the Islington Academy in London for the FutureProof party, featuring FutureProof (obviously!), Loveable Rogues, Rewind and of course, Kingsland Road – just to name a few of the acts which appeared on the jam packed line-up.

Embedded image permalink

We recently reported on Kingsland Road and how much we LOVE what they’re doing and after hearing their new material, which will feature on their EP (out August 17th) – it will definitely not disappoint!

The band seem to have steered away from the ‘X-Factor’ image that had swamped them – swapping those brightly coloured, matching suits for a more edgier style, which also seems to be reflected within their new musical direction.

But don’t worry!

This is NOT a bad thing! Kingsland Road are still those cheeky charmers that you (and we) fell in love with – we are FINALLY seeing the REAL Kingsland Road through the music that they always wanted to produce! – On their own terms!

The band, consisting of Jay, Josh, Connor, Thompson and Matt (Left to Right) sent the venue into a complete uproar as many ecstatic fans had traveled from around the country to hear the group’s new material.

Their set was both energetic and fun, with a number of new tracks being performed including Shoreline and Walk Away. However, the lads did break out into some of our older favourites like Lemon Tree which featured some good ‘ol Kingsland Road thrusting!

Kingsland Road mid thrust

Kingsland Road’s cover of Ellie Goulding’s Burn had both the crowd and the band jumping, leaving behind an electric atmosphere and had everyone claiming that it was better than the original!

The fivesomes vocals were undeniably strong (even though Connor tweeted that he had a cold), their set seemed particularly polished, even though it’s a fairly new set-up and these songs have been performed only once or twice before!

kingslandroad futureproof1

The friendship between the lads is obvious within their stage presence and it’s clear to see why they perform so well with one another!

Kingsland Road finished their set with Heaven Knows – during which a number of incredibly lucky girls were serenaded by the boys as they jumped into the crowd, a smaller numbers of those girls also got particularly friendly with both Connor and Josh as they tugged up their shirts to feel their abs (looks like someone has been hitting the gym).

kingsland road futureproof2

Here at Brumotions, we definitely recommend that you see Kingsland Road live!

The band are embarking on their own tour in August, in an effort to promote their new single ‘Dirty Dancer’ and their EP, both of which are released in August!

Although the Birmingham gig has already SOLD OUT, why not try and see the lads elsewhere as the journey will be well worth it!

kingsland road tour dates

Brumotions give them 5/5 Microphones!

5 mics

Why not watch the video of their performance for ‘Lemon Tree’ from the gig on Sunday and let us know what you think!

And if you don’t already, make sure to follow them on Twitter:







Introducing Rewind…


Here at Brumotions it’s no secret that we LOVE a good boyband and we recently discovered a Scottish band with heaps of potential that will not disappoint… and yes ladies they have those cute Scottish accents that will send you giddy!

Rewind made up of James, Jack, Lewis, Ryan and Kieran (see below image, Left to Right) are beginning to take over the UK music scene with their cheeky personalities, great chemistry and just as incredible vocals.


This week we got the chance to see the band perform in Birmingham and we were very impressed with their mix of original songs and covers of crowd favourites including Robin Thicke’s – Blurred Lines, as well as their energetic performance and stage presence leaving many of the teen audience swooning and wanting to learn more about this new band who had previously gone relatively unheard of in the Birmingham area.

Rewind recently released a cover of 5 Seconds of Summer’s number one hit ‘She Looks So Perfect’ and have gone on to upload original songs ‘She Said’ and ‘Out Of My League’ which you can check out below.

We love what these boys are producing and it’s nice to see a band trying to ‘take on the world’ without TV Talent shows. Here at Brumotions we are looking forward to hearing more from this boyband in the near future, make sure to ‘Follow’ them on twitter, ‘Subscribe’ to their YouTube and ‘Like’ them on Facebook.

Website: http://rewindofficial.co.uk/

Twitter: rewind_music

YouTube: rewindworldofficial

Facebook: www.facebook.com/OfficialREWINDBoyband

(No images or Videos are our own)

We love ALL of Kingsland Road


One of our favourite boy bands, Kingsland Road have just dropped their new cover of John Legend’s All of Me.

At first we were a little apprehensive – to say the least – as the boys are known for their upbeat interpretations of songs – however, after listening (in Nandos might we add). We, at Brumotions absolutely love it and we know you will too.

Kingsland Road, made up of Jay, Josh, Connor, Matt and Thompson recently burst onto the music scene gaining a loyal following of fans known as KLanders. (find out a little more about them in our previous introducing post).

Their cover of All of Me will make you instantly smile with their infectious personalities which come across in the song and the video giving the slow song – The Kingsland Treatment.

Here at Brumotions, we have heard many covers of this song and Kingsland Road’s will not disappoint – they make the song their own with their on-point harmonies and great individual vocals, mixed with the use of ukulele and box drum giving the song an instant summery, feel good factor and something that’s a little bit different to the covers you are used to hearing.

With a combination of good chemistry, great style, dreamy good looks and those obvious cheeky personalities- and yes, we clocked that little wink to the camera -We think it’s clear that Kingsland Road are currently one of our favourite artists.

We can’t wait to see what the band have planned next as they are very talented… and it also helps that they’re rather attractive.

Check out the video below:


(No Videos or Images are our own)