Don’t give up on The Maine!

Last night, The Maine returned to the UK and impressed their highly dedicated fans at their show at the O2 Academy2 in Birmingham with an incredible performance!

The American band from Arizona came to Birmingham as part of the UK leg of the 8123 tour and two of our Brumoters got the chance to catch up with The Maine’s bassist Garrett Nickelsen and lead guitarist Jared Monaco, the interview for which will be available on October 13th!

the maine tour

The group consisting of Pat Kirch, Kennedy Brock, John O’Callaghan, Jared Monaco and Garrett Nickelsen (Left to Right) entertained all the fans that had packed themselves into the venue, with a range of old and new tracks, including ‘Misery’ and ‘Kiss and Sell.’

But before the lads graced the stage with their amazing performance, Nick Santino (ex-frontman for A Rocket to the Moon) and Lydia wowed the crowd with their support sets.

Although it was his first ever tour in the UK, Nick Santino had no nerves seeming to hold him back as his incredible stage presence held the audience’s attention throughout the entirety of his acoustic performance.

Lydia took the stage next, bringing with them an unbelievable amount of energy that left the crowd wanting more as they made sure to sing the lyrics back to the ecstatic group.

the maine group

Then came the moment everybody had been waiting for, The Maine finally took to the stage causing the venue to erupt into cheers, obviously excited to see the lads pop across the pond once again as they broke out into a number of old and new tracks.

The lads’ energetic set featured a number of fan favourites and the only time the group slowed down was to interact and chat to their ecstatic and loud fans (though many ‘accent’ issues arose, like when lead singer John O’Callaghan mistook the words “Pretty Good” as “Grand Canyon” when speaking about their home state).

the maine

The highly talented band made sure to perform their hearts out and ensured that all those attending the event were thoroughly entertained, which rang true when the lads began to discuss a potential album release next year!

The Maine rounded off their incredible performance with a track from their first studio album in 2008: ‘We’ll All Be’, for which, both Nick Santino and Lydia graced the stage once again to help The Maine out and end the show with a bang!

We definitely recommend going to see The Maine live as they have the talent and an impressive setlist, which should have another few hits joining in as the lads are set to hit the recording studio next month! We have no doubts, that like they did last night, the group will keep you thoroughly entertained and leave you wanting more!

5 mics

Brumotions give their performance 5/5 Microphones!

Make sure to keep up-to-date with the band on their website:

Why not watch a few of their music videos below and let us know what you think!

Introducing Marianas Trench…

We Brumoters love a good sassy, group of musicians and our recent obsession Marianas Trench are no different!

Not only are these lads able to pen incredible songs (most with a hint of sass – including their newest tune Pop 101, which references Justin Timberlake, Ke$ha, Mumford & Sons, Jason Derulo and more!), but they’re also pretty sassy on Twitter!

sass josh ramsay

marianas trench

The Canadian pop rock band is made up of (from Left to Right) – Mike Ayley (Bassist & vocalist), Josh Ramsay (Lead Singer & rhythm guitarist – who also helped pen Carly Rae Jepsen’s summer hit ‘Call Me Maybe), Ian Casselman (Drummer & backing vocalist) & Matt Webb (Lead guitarist & vocalist), who we believe are going to take over the UK with their incredible tracks (though this is as soon as they decide to come to the UK… that’s right lads, we’re waiting!).

Although a few of our Brumoters had found this group nearly 7 years ago, when the band released their debut studio album – they only recently re-discovered the band after the release of their latest tune

And they lads are yet to officially release their albums and tour over here in the UK.

Though if the group are to announce a UK/European tour, we will announce the details for you all!

marianas t

With three albums and two EP’s under their belt, the band have a large arsenal of amazing tracks for you all to check out – like Shake Tramp (the video is just as hilarious as the track title) and Desperate Measures, both of which you’ll be able to listen to via the video below!

The group’s most recent track ‘Pop 101’ is currently available to purchase on iTunes & Amazon, so why not listen to it below before purchasing it!

(No images or video footage included is our own)

Introducing Ollie Marland…

Here at Brumotions, we are always keeping our ears open for new musicians and we recently came across Ollie Marland! with his perfect hair and smooth vocals he is certain to break many teen hearts.


Marland is hotly tipped for success in the Music Industry after signing a management contract with Crown Talent & Media Group and touring with top names such as Union J and Jessie J gaining a large following on his travels around the country.

Ollie has been in the studio, writing, with some big music names including The Wanted, heartthrob Nathan Sykes and Guy Chambers. Marland’s cover of ‘Going Home’ was also recently nominated for Best Drake Cover by On Air With Ryan Seacrest.

He also recently released his cover of Coldplay classic, Yellow, his fresh and mellow vocals make this cover easy on the ears and it’s a refreshing change to hear a young talent covering something other than the norm.

Ollie is also set to appear at OMG Live in Birmingham and at the British Summer Time Festival in Hyde Park, London alongside McBusted, Backstreet Boys, The Vamps and Lawson to name a few later this year.

Ollie Marland is stealing the hearts of many teens along his path to success in the music Industry and we are looking forward to hearing what is to come from him in the future!

(No Images or Videos used are our own)