Brumotions Playlist of the Week!

It’s back and still as incredible as always! That’s right people!


With 15 AMAZING tracks!

Featuring BOTH our own and YOUR favourite artists!

Including Loveable Rogues! Who a few of our Brumoters received the opportunity to see live during the FutureProof party at the Islington Academy in London!

Check out the Playlist below! And don’t forget to suggest some tracks of your own to feature in our next playlist!

If you don’t already, make sure to follow us on Twitter:

Canary Swing Just Wanna Dance With Somebody!

After touring around the country with FutureProof, Canary Swing ended the tour with a BANG at the London Islington Academy on June 1st, alongside artists such as Tich, Rewind, Kingsland Road and many more!

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Canary Swing, made up of Ben Crook (Bass), Sam Blake (Drums), Cory Gaffney (Guitar) and George Crump (Vocals & Guitar) entertained the audience with an array of pop/rock originals, each with a summery and feel good sound which left us humming along to the tunes hours after.

The group finished their set with crowd favourite ‘Second Star to the Right’, which gained an electric reception and is also the band’s latest single which can currently be bought through ITunes!

They also left the audience dancing around to Whitney Houston’s ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ which was an unusual but incredible cover choice for the young, pop/rock band.

Canary Swing had great audience interaction as the lads entertained the relentless crowd – who were looking forward to the artists placed later on the bill – introducing each member as sexy, which gained large cheers from an array of dedicated fans, some of which had travelled far to see their favourites!

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Overall we enjoyed Canary Swing’s performance – although this band had previously gone unnoticed by our Brumoters, we were slightly unsure at first and took a little while to get into the group, but we instantly began to like the boys who grew on us throughout their set and therefore we would like to find out more about this band!

Canary Swing’s EP ‘The Flight’ is out NOW!

Brumotions gives them 4/5 Microphones!

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What A Night with the Loveable Rogues!

On June 1st, a large number of fans had travelled from across the UK to the FutureProof party at the Islington Academy in London, for which the incredible Loveable Rogues were the headline act!

Joined by a large number of other acts, including FutureProof, Kingsland Road, In Hindsight, Canary Swing, Rewind and the Loveable Rogue’s friend Tich, the lads thoroughly impressed the packed crowd.

Loveable Rogues, consisting of Sonny, Té and Eddie – more well known for coming in fourth place during their time on the sixth season of Britain’s Got Talent – entertained the crowd at the end of the afternoon with an incredible performance, which had both old and new fans singing and dancing along.

It was obvious to see that the trio enjoy performing live and are very humble when listening to the fans singing their lyrics back to them and dancing along to their tunes.

The group made sure to include fan favourites Love Sick and What A Night to their setlist, which gained the largest response from the crowd who waited through 4 hours of other performers to hear these guys play and it was well worth the wait!

‘Honest’ from the boys EP of the same name (which is currently available on ITunes!) also made an appearance on their impressive setlist. The alternative pop track is very catchy and those who weren’t fans of the lads previously were able to catch on and sing along with them.

We definitely recommend that you see these boys live as their tracks are catchy and their live performance is impeccable!

Brumotions gives their performance 5/5 Microphones!

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Why not watch the video of their performance of ‘What A Night’ from the gig on Sunday and let us know what you think!

It’s Never Too Late to love Kingsland Road

On June 1st, many teens flocked to the Islington Academy in London for the FutureProof party, featuring FutureProof (obviously!), Loveable Rogues, Rewind and of course, Kingsland Road – just to name a few of the acts which appeared on the jam packed line-up.

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We recently reported on Kingsland Road and how much we LOVE what they’re doing and after hearing their new material, which will feature on their EP (out August 17th) – it will definitely not disappoint!

The band seem to have steered away from the ‘X-Factor’ image that had swamped them – swapping those brightly coloured, matching suits for a more edgier style, which also seems to be reflected within their new musical direction.

But don’t worry!

This is NOT a bad thing! Kingsland Road are still those cheeky charmers that you (and we) fell in love with – we are FINALLY seeing the REAL Kingsland Road through the music that they always wanted to produce! – On their own terms!

The band, consisting of Jay, Josh, Connor, Thompson and Matt (Left to Right) sent the venue into a complete uproar as many ecstatic fans had traveled from around the country to hear the group’s new material.

Their set was both energetic and fun, with a number of new tracks being performed including Shoreline and Walk Away. However, the lads did break out into some of our older favourites like Lemon Tree which featured some good ‘ol Kingsland Road thrusting!

Kingsland Road mid thrust

Kingsland Road’s cover of Ellie Goulding’s Burn had both the crowd and the band jumping, leaving behind an electric atmosphere and had everyone claiming that it was better than the original!

The fivesomes vocals were undeniably strong (even though Connor tweeted that he had a cold), their set seemed particularly polished, even though it’s a fairly new set-up and these songs have been performed only once or twice before!

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The friendship between the lads is obvious within their stage presence and it’s clear to see why they perform so well with one another!

Kingsland Road finished their set with Heaven Knows – during which a number of incredibly lucky girls were serenaded by the boys as they jumped into the crowd, a smaller numbers of those girls also got particularly friendly with both Connor and Josh as they tugged up their shirts to feel their abs (looks like someone has been hitting the gym).

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Here at Brumotions, we definitely recommend that you see Kingsland Road live!

The band are embarking on their own tour in August, in an effort to promote their new single ‘Dirty Dancer’ and their EP, both of which are released in August!

Although the Birmingham gig has already SOLD OUT, why not try and see the lads elsewhere as the journey will be well worth it!

kingsland road tour dates

Brumotions give them 5/5 Microphones!

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Why not watch the video of their performance for ‘Lemon Tree’ from the gig on Sunday and let us know what you think!

And if you don’t already, make sure to follow them on Twitter:







Brumotions Playlist of the Week!



And this week we have another 12 INCREDIBLE tracks!

And as always, it features BOTH of our own and YOUR favourite artists!

Including FutureProof! Who invited a few of our Brumoters to their party/gig at the O2 Islington Academy in London! (You can feast your eyes of a number of reviews from the gig starting tomorrow!)

Check out the playlist below! And don’t forget to suggest some tracks of your own to feature in our next playlist!

If you don’t already, make sure to follow us on Twitter: