Brumotions Playlist of the Week!

It’s back and still as incredible as always! That’s right people!


With 15 AMAZING tracks!

Featuring BOTH our own and YOUR favourite artists!

Including Loveable Rogues! Who a few of our Brumoters received the opportunity to see live during the FutureProof party at the Islington Academy in London!

Check out the Playlist below! And don’t forget to suggest some tracks of your own to feature in our next playlist!

If you don’t already, make sure to follow us on Twitter:

Canary Swing Just Wanna Dance With Somebody!

After touring around the country with FutureProof, Canary Swing ended the tour with a BANG at the London Islington Academy on June 1st, alongside artists such as Tich, Rewind, Kingsland Road and many more!

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Canary Swing, made up of Ben Crook (Bass), Sam Blake (Drums), Cory Gaffney (Guitar) and George Crump (Vocals & Guitar) entertained the audience with an array of pop/rock originals, each with a summery and feel good sound which left us humming along to the tunes hours after.

The group finished their set with crowd favourite ‘Second Star to the Right’, which gained an electric reception and is also the band’s latest single which can currently be bought through ITunes!

They also left the audience dancing around to Whitney Houston’s ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ which was an unusual but incredible cover choice for the young, pop/rock band.

Canary Swing had great audience interaction as the lads entertained the relentless crowd – who were looking forward to the artists placed later on the bill – introducing each member as sexy, which gained large cheers from an array of dedicated fans, some of which had travelled far to see their favourites!

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Overall we enjoyed Canary Swing’s performance – although this band had previously gone unnoticed by our Brumoters, we were slightly unsure at first and took a little while to get into the group, but we instantly began to like the boys who grew on us throughout their set and therefore we would like to find out more about this band!

Canary Swing’s EP ‘The Flight’ is out NOW!

Brumotions gives them 4/5 Microphones!

4 mics

Brumotions Playlist of the Week!



And this week we have another 12 INCREDIBLE tracks!

And as always, it features BOTH of our own and YOUR favourite artists!

Including FutureProof! Who invited a few of our Brumoters to their party/gig at the O2 Islington Academy in London! (You can feast your eyes of a number of reviews from the gig starting tomorrow!)

Check out the playlist below! And don’t forget to suggest some tracks of your own to feature in our next playlist!

If you don’t already, make sure to follow us on Twitter: