12 Days of Brumotions: Forever The Secrets – Part One

On the 2nd day of Christmas, Brumotions gave to you…

The Secrets Interview – Part One

As you may or may not know, us Brumoters LOVE discovering new artists- especially a good boyband.

The Secrets

Here at Brumotions, we recently got the chance to talk with rising stars –  Josh, Lewis and Luke to get to know them a little better and see what they have planned for 2015.

*WARNING* This interview is packed with plenty of laughs and some of YOUR fan questions Check it out and let us know what you think…

So for those who don’t know you guys, what makes The Secrets, The Secrets?

Luke: I suppose it would be that we all sing, that we’re a three piece cross between a boyband and your typical rock band because we play our own instruments but we try and all sing, so I guess that’s us.

If you could describe your sound in three words collectively, what would they be?

Lewis: I think it would be fun. We’re really interactive when we’re playing.

Luke: We got our three words there…

Lewis: Yeah, they’re our three words – fun, interactive and…

Luke: You said really interactive.

Lewis: Alright, fun, really and interactive are our three words.

Have you had any interesting fan experiences with any of your Little Secrets?

Luke: I think Josh has one from Newcastle.

Josh: Yeah, in Newcastle, we were having pictures with the fans and a fan came behind me and tried to pull down my trousers, which was a bit crazy.

Lewis: That was a bit full on.

Luke: It’s not all like that; we have some really cool fans, it’s crazy cause they’re from all over the place and they all make us stuff – there was a fan from Birmingham that made me a book for my 20th birthday with 20 things that they love about me, which was really cool and then some fans from Stafford made a big book for the band.

Lewis: It had loads of pictures they’d drawn, personal stories they’d had with us. This book was really massive, there were about 30 pages in there that they had absolutely filled, it was amazing.

Who would you most like to support live?

Lewis: I’d say Ed Sheeran or The Vamps.

Josh: Yeah.

Lewis: They’re both amazing, I think Ed Sheeran has so many amazing songs and the way that he does his songs, just him, his guitar and his loop pedal. It’s really inspiring just to watch him, especially from trying to make it through the years to becoming a band, we were all solo acts, so we’re trying to push ourselves forward, so actually being able to support him would be unreal.

Luke: Definitely, I’d agree with that as well.

Josh: One Direction, cause they have a massive crowd.

Luke: Yeah, that’d be pretty sick. I know he’s passed away now, but Michael Jackson to get some vocal lessons from him.

Can we expect any new and original music soon?

Luke: Yeah, we’re going in to the studio in December again to record some more tracks, we are just sorting out the demos now, we have about six or seven tracks ready to record, but in December we will probably record only one or two.

What are your favourite tracks to play live?

Lewis: Probably our own Maybe Baby and Forever, which are available now on ITunes.

Nice plug.

Lewis: Other than our own originals, I’d probably say either Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheeran or Titanium by David Guetta – I’m absolutely in love with the song, even though we are playing it, the harmonies that we have got in it are three part harmonies and they sound really nice. It’s really funny when we go busking, one of us will say what song’s next and I’ll say Titanium, every single time. One time we were busking in Bournemouth and we said ‘alright, we are going to go home now’ and I said ‘no, we’re going to do one last song – Titanium’ and we did it and got £30 in notes, it was like ‘screw you Luke’.

Luke: That’s his personal vendetta against me.

Lewis: Oh yeah, always – I just hate you Luke.

Luke: Oh, we’ve learnt a new Christmas song, which I really like playing, it’s the most cheesiest song ever but so much fun to play.

Lewis: Santa Claus is coming to town.

Luke: The Jackson 5 version, so it’s really cool.

So you mentioned Forever and Maybe Baby, what was your inspiration for those?

Luke: Forever was about an ex-girlfriend and Maybe Baby was about a girl that I fancied – I was at home and I started writing the song, then Josh’s Dad Wayne started coming over and reeling off all of these lyrics and it was really cool and we all sat around the dinner table eating our tea, writing this song.

Is there any advice or mottos that you live by?

Lewis: Don’t stop, never give up. Just keep going, I mean for both me and Luke, music has been a massive part of our lives and for Josh it’s been a big part of his life the last four years, hasn’t it?

Josh: Yeah.

Lewis: We have always been trying to make it in music, the first band I was in, I was 11 years old. The only reason we’re starting to get a following now is just because we have got the determination cause we just don’t give up, we quit our jobs and University to try and go for it, I mean if we didn’t put the time in, we wouldn’t be where we are now.

Luke: I have a saying I like to think that I made up, it’s: Tomatoes are for people who like tomatoes and it basically means that not everyone is going to enjoy our music, there’s always going to be people that don’t like it, but we play our music for the people who love it.

We will have to steal that one.

Lewis: Another one I go by is: You miss 100% of the chances that you don’t take.

Do you have any up and coming gigs? Preferably in Paris (IAmConnorBall), Ireland (IrishTheSecrets) or Manchester (@BrandonMisses03) as requested by some of your fans?

Lewis: We had one that was close to Manchester, on Thursday 20th November, which was the Christmas Light Switch-On for Bolton in the town centre. But we don’t have any of them close to Paris or Ireland.

Luke: I can’t think of any in Ireland or Paris either, we had another one up near Manchester at Darwen Aldridge Community Academy on the 27th of November for a BTEC Music Evening… I can’t really think without looking at the diary though.

 So that’s all for PART 1  with The Secrets  –  Keep Checking back for Part 2 on Wednesday 17th December.

If you haven’t already, make sure to The Secrets on Twitter:


(No images or video footage included is our own)

Introducing Marianas Trench…

We Brumoters love a good sassy, group of musicians and our recent obsession Marianas Trench are no different!

Not only are these lads able to pen incredible songs (most with a hint of sass – including their newest tune Pop 101, which references Justin Timberlake, Ke$ha, Mumford & Sons, Jason Derulo and more!), but they’re also pretty sassy on Twitter!

sass josh ramsay

marianas trench

The Canadian pop rock band is made up of (from Left to Right) – Mike Ayley (Bassist & vocalist), Josh Ramsay (Lead Singer & rhythm guitarist – who also helped pen Carly Rae Jepsen’s summer hit ‘Call Me Maybe), Ian Casselman (Drummer & backing vocalist) & Matt Webb (Lead guitarist & vocalist), who we believe are going to take over the UK with their incredible tracks (though this is as soon as they decide to come to the UK… that’s right lads, we’re waiting!).

Although a few of our Brumoters had found this group nearly 7 years ago, when the band released their debut studio album – they only recently re-discovered the band after the release of their latest tune

And they lads are yet to officially release their albums and tour over here in the UK.

Though if the group are to announce a UK/European tour, we will announce the details for you all!

marianas t

With three albums and two EP’s under their belt, the band have a large arsenal of amazing tracks for you all to check out – like Shake Tramp (the video is just as hilarious as the track title) and Desperate Measures, both of which you’ll be able to listen to via the video below!

The group’s most recent track ‘Pop 101’ is currently available to purchase on iTunes & Amazon, so why not listen to it below before purchasing it!

(No images or video footage included is our own)