The ‘OR’ Game with… The Maine

When our Brumoters complete interviews with some of the amazing artists around, we like to play a little game called ‘OR!’

The basic rules are to give the artists two separate options and have them choose the one they like the most… For example, Pepsi or Coca Cola!

This particular game of ‘OR’ was completed with The Maine’s bassist Garrett Nickelsen and lead guitarist Jared Monaco!

the maine music

Click here to read PART 1 and here for PART 2!

and enjoy reading our game of ‘OR!’

– No TV or No Phone:

Garrett: No TV.
No TV.


– Vampire or Werewolf:

Garrett: Werewolf.
Jared: Werewolf.


– Ability to fly or turn invisible:

Garrett: Lazer-vision.
Jared: Invisibility.


– Meet an alien or travel to space:

Jared: Travel to space.
Garrett: Travel to space, yeah.


– Fulfill Your Biggest Wish or Resolve Your Biggest Regret:

Jared: Wish! I have no regrets.
Garrett: Yeah, wish for sure. I don’t really regret anything.


– Be attacked by 50 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck:

Garrett: 50 duck-sized horses! That sounds cute!
Jared: I’ll take the giant duck.
Garrett: I’ll take the little horses. Imagine that! You’d have a bunch of them having fun! You didn’t come with us to the museum, they had little duck-sized horses.
Jared: Yeah, that sounds super cute. But you can put a saddle on a horse-sized duck and fly.


– Weather in Arizona or the British weather:

Garrett: Arizona!
Jared: Yeah, Arizona… Sorry!


So there it is!

The Maine are definitely one’s to look out for next year, with a potential new album on the horizon!

We wish them all the best and can’t wait to see what they come up with next!

They’re a group of highly talented lads, with incredible tracks within their arsenal!

Don’t forget to follow the lads on Twitter:


Don’t Stop The Maine Now – Part 2!

So yesterday, you were all able to see PART 1 of our hilarious interview with The Maine’s bassist Garrett Nickelsen and lead guitarist Jared Monaco. But due to a long interview, you’re all able to check out the rest of our funny chat with the lads in PART 2 below!

The Maine live

– Have you ever asked for something ridiculous on your tour rider?

Jared: In the states, when we were doing a radio campaign for a little while – each time when you go to a radio station, you have a different rider than you would for most of your shows – and we decided to make it as ridiculous as we could.
Garrett: I don’t remember exactly… Oh, it was something like one and a half cigarettes.
Jared: Yeah, one and a half cigarettes, a baby-sized business suit and a collection of nice things.

– Did you get them?

Jared: Yeah! I mean they didn’t get us the baby-sized business suit, but they gave us a box full of stuff – so it had movies in it and candy, it was literally a box of nice things.
Garrett: Did we ever get the cigarettes?
Jared: I think we did, (laughing) the second one was literally broken in half.

– So you’re making new music soon, what can we expect or are you keeping it close to heart?

Garrett: No, I mean, there’s going to be guitars, there’s going to be some drums, I’ll probably play some bass. John will sing and there will be a record.
Jared: We’ve been working on stuff a while, I mean we’ve been writing and we now have a lot of material ready. I can definitely say that it’s not going to be a dark and more sombre rock record like the last one, it will be… well I don’t know yet, I don’t want to say anything yet, but we do have a lot of stuff written and we’re going to possibly write some more.
Garrett: I think it’s not going to be what people expect, which is a good thing.

– Any idea of when we can expect it?

Garrett: (laughing) December… twenty, not then. No… not until next year.
Jared: Unless… I don’t know, we could die. We hope not!
Garrett: That could happen! Or we could get in the studio and be like “F*ck! How do you work this stuff?”
Jared: And never get anything done, but yeah, I think we’re shooting for earlier next year but we don’t know yet, we need to record first.

– Is there any advice or motto that you live by?

Garrett: Make sure you go to bed.
Jared: Okay.
Garrett: What was that one now…
Jared: Don’t listen to anybody… I like that.
Garrett: Uhhh… Don’t let anybody tell you that you’re doing it wrong cause you’re not, say “f*ck that”…
Jared: I’m doing…
Garrett: What’s the quote? Scratch that! Go the bed, that’s the one.

– If you could be any animal, which animal would you be?

Garrett: Duck-billed Platypus.
Jared: I’d be a T-Rex.
Garrett: That’s a dinosaur!
Jared: It’s an animal still!

– But you’d be extinct?

Jared: Yeah, but at least I’d be sleeping peacefully.
Garrett: No, you’d be oil.
Jared: I’d be oil? Oh… okay, I pick… a woolly mammoth, wait they’re extinct too…
Garrett: You should have gone to the museum! There were tons of animals!
Jared: Okay, well I want to fly so I’d be an eagle.

– If you were to take the Queen on a date, where would you take her?

Garrett: In-n-Out.
Jared: I’d take her to a Marilyn Manson show.
Garrett: Oh… F*ck yeah! I’d take her to a Marilyn Manson show.

– Watch her in the mosh-pit?

Jared: Yeah and I’d help lift her to go crowd surfing!
Garrett: I’d take her to a haunted house and then she’ll hold on to me!
Jared: You’re not supposed to scare the Queen though!
Garrett: I don’t care!

– If you could be any instrument, which would you be and why?

Garrett: Tuba!
Jared: That would be awesome.
Garrett: Cause nobody wants to play Tuba.
Jared: But then you’d have everybody’s mouth on you all the time.
Garrett: (laughing) sounds good!
Jared: (laughing) I would be… a saxophone.
Garrett: Sexy Sax!
Jared: Yeah!
Garrett: F*ck yeah!

So there you have it!

The Maine are definitely one’s to look out for next year, with a potential new album on the horizon!

We wish them all the best and can’t wait to see what they come up with next!

They’re a group of highly talented lads, with incredible tracks within their arsenal!

Don’t forget to follow the lads on Twitter and keep an eye out for our ‘OR’ game, which will be available to read later today!

Don’t Stop The Maine Now – Part 1!

On October 7th, the O2 Academy in Birmingham was packed with ecstatic fans, waiting to see two separate shows! But while a bunch of highly dedicated fans were stuck outside in the midst of all the anarchy – Our Brumoters were having a lovely chat with The Maine’s lead guitarist Jared Monaco and bassist Garrett Nickelsen!

the maine

Make sure to check out the band’s track ‘Forever Halloween’ in the video underneath the hilarious interview!

– So for those who don’t know you guys, what makes The Maine, The Maine?

Garrett: We are five boys from Phoenix, Arizona and we like to play rock’n’roll.
Jared: That’s… I couldn’t do a better job.
Garrett: Thanks man.

– Can you describe your sound in three words?

Garrett: I just did, rock’n’roll.
Jared: But we can pick something else.
Garrett: Wait, I’ve got it. Rock…
Jared: Is…
Garrett: (laughing) Roll.
Jared: (laughing) Rock is roll.

– So you’ve been to the UK 9 times so far, what makes you keep coming back?

Garrett: It… seems like people like us here, like just a little amount of people.
Jared: Yeah, enough people to play a show in most cities.
Garrett: So that’s been cool.
Jared: We’ve been lucky enough to come back on a couple of support tours too, you know? We’ve been on the All Time Low tour, Deaf Havana tour and they do kind of help strengthen our fanbase over here so we’ve had these support tours, which have been great and it’s allowed us to come back and headline. It just made sense as we had some time at the end of this year and we wanted to make sure we showed our faces again.
Garrett: And we got to bring our buddies Lydia and Nick Santino over and we kind of made it like a family thing and they all seem to be excited so it works.

– Speaking about people you’ve toured with, who would you say were your favourite’s and why?

Garrett: I feel like one of the first tours we did, with Good Charlotte. They were great guys and I feel like we learned so much from them, just like from a live show and how to be on tour and how to treat people on tour. I feel like… just learning wise, that was a big one.
Jared: I really like when we toured with Taking Back Sunday, they were some of the coolest dudes ever. They were one of those bands where growing up, they were one of the reasons that I started playing local shows and to meet those people – especially Good Charlotte too – it’s good to meet those people and see that they’re awesome too and you can learn something from a band like that, who have been around for so long, so it was nice to be friends and learn so much from those guys.

– Was it a very surreal experience?

Jared: Yes, definitely. I mean, when we got the news that we were going to be on [Taking Back Sunday’s] tour], I think that was kind of the really surreal part and once we got ready really focusing on the tour, more so about business, getting out there and being ready for it. But it was definitely surreal.

– What are your favourite tracks to play live?

Jared: It’s always the newest songs that we’re playing live, at least for me. Right now we’re playing a song that is on the B-Side of our new record Forever Halloween, which is called Vanilla and that one has been really fun to play, it’s kind of fresh so…
Garrett: Yeah, that one’s been really fun. I’m going to agree with that.

– What has been your most memorable career highlight so far?

Garrett: (Laughing) I was going to make a joke… I don’t know, probably the whole Pioneer thing. That whole record process… it was f*cked up, but it was cool and just us being able to grow in that kind of way, it made us realise that we could actually be a band.
Jared: We had to fight out way off a record label so that was a whole situation for us.
Garrett: I mean, that aside, just the recording of it. Doing it ourselves and that whole thing was really awesome and proved to me that if we were put in that situation that we could handle it.

– While on the subject of memorable experiences, have you guys had any interesting fan experiences?

Garrett: Everything’s been pretty much awesome.
Jared: A guy said he was going to kill me in Amsterdam because I was American.
Garrett: Yeah.
Jared: And he got in my face and it got really bad. I really thought we were going to have to fight this guy. That was the day that we got there, before our show we were walking around downtown and we stopped for coffee and this guy just came up and started giving us all death threats cause he hated Americans so much… (laughing) and we were all wearing denim, so we all looked like cowboys… on this tour that was definitely the most stand out moment and I was like holy sh*t, hatred is still a thing in parts of the world, it was crazy.
Garrett: For me the best part was when I was playing with my buddy Jared over here on Madden and I beat him by one point.
Jared: Yeah, we set up the Xbox and started playing football on it… or I should say ‘American Football.’ Oh and I fell over and knocked over-
Garrett: Oh yeah, that was fun.
Jared: I was on stage the other night and our guitar tech Adam was kneeling down behind me as he was fixing some stuff and I didn’t see him. So I backed up, fell over him and I took out the whole wall that was behind me and I ended up on my back… I’ve never done that before, I mean you’ve taken a couple of spills.
Garrett: Yeah, I’ve puked on stage and knocked stuff over.
Jared: Well that was my very first experience belly up, so… it was pretty fun.

So that’s all for PART 1 of our interview with Garrett and Jared from The Maine!

Make sure to check out PART 2 TOMORROW!

Where the lads will be discussing baby-sized business suits, new music and going to bed!
If you haven’t already, make sure to follow The Maine on Twitter:

Don’t give up on The Maine!

Last night, The Maine returned to the UK and impressed their highly dedicated fans at their show at the O2 Academy2 in Birmingham with an incredible performance!

The American band from Arizona came to Birmingham as part of the UK leg of the 8123 tour and two of our Brumoters got the chance to catch up with The Maine’s bassist Garrett Nickelsen and lead guitarist Jared Monaco, the interview for which will be available on October 13th!

the maine tour

The group consisting of Pat Kirch, Kennedy Brock, John O’Callaghan, Jared Monaco and Garrett Nickelsen (Left to Right) entertained all the fans that had packed themselves into the venue, with a range of old and new tracks, including ‘Misery’ and ‘Kiss and Sell.’

But before the lads graced the stage with their amazing performance, Nick Santino (ex-frontman for A Rocket to the Moon) and Lydia wowed the crowd with their support sets.

Although it was his first ever tour in the UK, Nick Santino had no nerves seeming to hold him back as his incredible stage presence held the audience’s attention throughout the entirety of his acoustic performance.

Lydia took the stage next, bringing with them an unbelievable amount of energy that left the crowd wanting more as they made sure to sing the lyrics back to the ecstatic group.

the maine group

Then came the moment everybody had been waiting for, The Maine finally took to the stage causing the venue to erupt into cheers, obviously excited to see the lads pop across the pond once again as they broke out into a number of old and new tracks.

The lads’ energetic set featured a number of fan favourites and the only time the group slowed down was to interact and chat to their ecstatic and loud fans (though many ‘accent’ issues arose, like when lead singer John O’Callaghan mistook the words “Pretty Good” as “Grand Canyon” when speaking about their home state).

the maine

The highly talented band made sure to perform their hearts out and ensured that all those attending the event were thoroughly entertained, which rang true when the lads began to discuss a potential album release next year!

The Maine rounded off their incredible performance with a track from their first studio album in 2008: ‘We’ll All Be’, for which, both Nick Santino and Lydia graced the stage once again to help The Maine out and end the show with a bang!

We definitely recommend going to see The Maine live as they have the talent and an impressive setlist, which should have another few hits joining in as the lads are set to hit the recording studio next month! We have no doubts, that like they did last night, the group will keep you thoroughly entertained and leave you wanting more!

5 mics

Brumotions give their performance 5/5 Microphones!

Make sure to keep up-to-date with the band on their website:

Why not watch a few of their music videos below and let us know what you think!